In the last 76 years, “Laxminarayan Chiwda,” now known as “Sitashree Laxminaryan Chiwda,” has earned immense love and popularity, becoming synonymous with the best chiwda in Pune. Originating from Mr. Laxminarayan Data’s passion for making chiwda, this humble mixture of flattened rice flakes, peanuts, and spices has evolved into the quintessential taste of Pune. Four generations later, the brand continues its legacy, offering a wide range of flavors and maintaining top quality. Recently diversified into savory snacks, sweets, and chaat items, the company, under Darpan Ji Data’s leadership, has expanded its reach globally, exporting to over 18 countries. With tie-ups with retail stores and supermarkets in India and a commitment to quality, Sitashree Laxminarayan Chiwda is on its way to becoming a global brand, catering to the evolving tastes of customers worldwide.