Gore Bandhu, a renowned name in Maharashtra, is synonymous with the irresistible snack known as “Bhadang.” Originating from Sangli, this delicacy was coined by the Royal Poet during a chess game. In 1946, Late Appasaheb Gore and Late Saraswatibai Gore introduced Gore Bandhu Bhadang to the world, starting from a humble grocery shop and expanding into a thriving business encompassing spices, Bhadang, and groceries. Upholding values of honesty, hygiene, and affordability, Bhadang is cherished as a homemade snack. With the passage of time and evolving market trends, Gore Bandhu ventured beyond Sangli, diversifying its offerings to meet new customer demands. Today, under the leadership of Mr. Prabhakar Gore and Mr. Kedar Gore, supported by Mrs. Geeta Prabhakar Gore, Mrs. Ketaki Kedar Gore, and Mr. Prashant Anant Gore, the company continues to innovate and expand its presence, now venturing into spices under the brand “SHREE GORE.”